Relationships are a two-way street, and recruitment is simply another type of relationship. The best of these relationships are built on mutual self-interest and trust.
When working to attract healthcare talent, it’s easy for recruiters to focus on selling a role. That’s a BIG MISTAKE. Strong candidates don’t pursue a role because they were “convinced.” They pursue a role because they assessed the information and acted in their best self-interest. Recruiters exist to educate clients and candidates about each other. One way of rethinking recruitment and talent management is to think of it as a relationship where recruiters provide data for both parties. The more data a recruiter can obtain and provide, the more trust candidates and clients will place in them, and the smoother and more beneficial the relationship.
Properly framing information to prospective candidates is key in not only maintaining their attention, but also, in establishing a rapport based on trust. Knowing what information to provide to a candidate based on their motivations is an art. When a prospective candidate hears about an opportunity that aligns with their career objectives and motivations, they will, without a doubt, identify themselves as “interested.”
It’s important to provide a prospective candidate with enough information to keep them interested, while not playing all your cards at once. A give and take approach establishes trust and allows for more honest conversation. At the end of the day, recruiters exist to bridge the gap between the market and our clients. The most successful recruiters build relationships of client and candidate trust by providing information related to each’s self-interest.